Getting Started / Logging In
After requesting an account and receiving a "Welcome to the CRC" email, users can login to the cluster. The CRC is accessible by secure shell connection from within the UofL campus network. The CRC has three login nodes for users to use for submitting jobs and compiling code. To access one of the login nodes one ssh to crc.hpc.louisville.edu. Accounts on the CRC use the same userid and password as a user's ULink account, and the CRC may be reached from another UNIX computer, for example, through ssh <ulink userid>@crc.hpc.louisville.edu. The CRC sits behind the campus firewall, so that off-campus users must either access the CRC from another computer on the campus network or by using the virtual private network (vpn). Users requesting a CRC account for research purposes will receive a vpn account. Upon accessing the crc users may be asked to type their userid and then their password. After successful authentication, a command prompt will appear. Typing "exit" at a command prompt will disconnect you from the CRC.