The University of Louisville wiring standards documentation is considered to be a dynamic document. The standards are updated continuously to keep abreast of current technology changes. Every effort is made to keep the most current version posted to this web site at httphttps://louisville.edu/itpolicies/policies/uofl-and-procedures/pageholder/pol-wiring-standards . Prior to utilizing these standards or any portion thereof for installation practices, check for the latest document at the link above.
Last update 08/04/2022
Section 1 - Service Entrance and Termination – Outside Plant
1.1 Overview
1.2 Entrance cable
1.4 Manholes
1.5 Drawings
Section 2 – Telecommunications Rooms and Cable Termination
2.1 General
2.2 Requirements
2.6 Voice/Data Rack and Patch Panel
Section 3 – Communication Outlets – Inside Plant Wiring and Raceways
3.1 General
3.2 Communication Outlet Location
3.8 Under-floor Duct Systems
4.1 General
4.2 Video/Projection Devices
4.3 High Tech Classrooms
Section 5 – Protection, Grounding and Bonding
5.1 Lightning Protection
5.2 Grounding
5.3 Bonding
Section 6 – Inspection, Testing and Documentation
6.1 Inspection of Work
6.2 Testing
6.3 Documentation Standards
7.1 General
Section 8 – Local Area Networks
8.1 General
8.2 Determining Requirements
8.3 Wiring Type
Section 9 - Wide Area Networks
9.1 System Design
Section 10 – Low Voltage Cable Technology
10.1 Overview
10.2 Fiber Optic Cable
10.4 Coaxial
10.5 Specifications
Section 11 – Miscellaneous and Special Situations
11.1 General
11.2 Wireless LAN connectivity
Section 12 – Codes, Standards, and Regulations
12.1 General
12.2 Agencies
Section 13 – Standardized Equipment
13.1 Standardized Solution
Section 14 – Communication Services Information
14.1 General
To design facilities for an effective telecommunications system, the designer and installer must be familiar with national and local regulations. Both the designer and the contractor must be familiar with and adhere to the standards of the telecommunications and building industries. A designer hired by the university shall be a currently certified Registered Communication Design Consultant (RCDD).
The installing contractor and/or its designee must be a current BICSI certified installer. This is a mandatory requirement in order for the University to ensure the installation of its communication infrastructure is current with industry standards. NO exceptions will be permitted on this requirement.
The following agencies and their codes, standards and regulations shall govern all telecommunications work performed at the University of Louisville.