Slow Wifi/wirelessTroubleshooting

Students complain of slow wireless Internet speeds.

Tell them we would like more information for us to troubleshoot why the wireless connection is slow.

Gather the following information:
• What wireless network are they connected to? Many reports of slow wireless connections are because they're connected to the UofL Guest network, or another non uofl wireless network. Walk them through disconnecting from the ulopen network and connecting to the ulsecure wireless network instead. If they're connected to the ulsecure wireless network and still report slow speeds, continue troubleshooting:
• Where are they when the Internet is slow (in their dorm room, etc.)? What is their dorm room number?
• Are there microwaves, cordless phones, game consoles, etc. nearby? (sources of wifi interference)
• What is their MAC address? Have them run info gather script
• Do they have IPv6 disabled?
• When is the Internet slow? All the time? Or do they notice certain times of the day that it's slower?
• Are any particular websites slow, or is every website slow?
• Walk them through 3 on- and 3 off-campus wireless speed tests, and record in the Call Description of the heat ticket the time of day when the speed tests were run, along with the speed test results. This will help to tell us where the performance issues really are.

Suggested speed test:

Here is a good speed test site. No app required and works on all platforms including iOS. It's run by Netflix