Sponsored accounts and service accounts require renewal on a regular basis. Sponsored accounts must be renewed every 180 days, and service accounts must be renewed every 12 months. When a sponsored or service account is no longer needed, it must be closed.

You can renew sponsored accounts and service accounts in our self-service portal. You can access the portal by clicking the button below.

To close a sponsored account or service account, contact our HelpDesk at 502-852-7997 or at helpdesk.louisville.edu.

Red button with text that states Renew a Sponsored Account or Service Account

Follow the instructions below to renew or close sponsored accounts and service accounts.

You must be the owner/manager of the sponsored account/service account to renew or close the account.

You must log in using your personal University account to renew service and sponsored accounts. You cannot renew accounts using service and sponsored account log-ins.

Renew a Sponsored Account

Do not log in using the sponsored account to renew the account. Sponsored accounts can only be renewed by logging in using your personal University account.

The sponsored user’s information – including last name, first name, user ID, personal email (if applicable), and display name – will appear after you select them.

You can select every resource by clicking the checkbox next to “Resource Name”.

Other resources may appear in this menu depending on what resources the sponsored user has. Examples include VPN and Blackboard.

Sponsored accounts can be renewed for up to 180 days from the day you are submitting the renewal, not the date that the account expires. For example, if you renew a sponsored account on 06/01/2023 for 6 months, and the account expires on 07/31/2023, the new expiration date for the account is 12/01/2023, not 01/31/2024.

A confirmation message will appear once your request is successfully submitted.

When the sponsored account is successfully renewed, both you and the sponsored user will receive an email.

Renew a Service Account

Do not log in using the sponsored account to renew the account. Sponsored accounts can only be renewed by logging in using your personal University account.

The service account’s information will appear after you select it.

You can select every resource by clicking the checkbox next to “Resource Name”.

Service accounts can be renewed for up to 12 months from the day you are submitting the renewal, not the date that the account expires. For example, if you renew a service account on 06/01/2023 for 12 months, and the account expires on 07/31/2023, the new expiration date for the account is 06/01/2024, not 07/31/2024.

A confirmation message will appear once your request is successfully submitted.

You will receive an email when the service account is successfully renewed.

Close a Sponsored or Service Account

To close a sponsored account or a service account, contact our HelpDesk at 502-852-7997 or at helpdesk.louisville.edu. Indicate that you want to close the account, and include the name and user ID of the account.

You cannot close a sponsored account or service account using identity.louisville.edu. You must contact the HelpDesk to close the account.

You may receive account renewal notifications for the account after your request is submitted. Please disregard.

Need help? Contact our HelpDesk at 502-852-7997 or at ITS Helpdesk — Information Technology Services (ITS) .