How do I license SPSS or AMOS?
How do I license SPSS or AMOS?
- Start the IBM SPSS License Authorization Wizard:
- Windows
- In the Start menu, select All Programs.
- In your list of programs, you will see a folder called either SPSS or IBM SPSS Statistics. Open that folder.
- In that folder, you will see a program called either SPSS License Authorization Wizard or IBM SPSS Statistics License Authorization Wizard.
- Right-click the License Authorization Wizard icon, and select Run As Administrator.
- Log in to a Windows user account with full Administrator access rights. (If you do not have a Windows user account with full Administrator rights, please see your local system administrator or technical support provider.)
- The License Authorization Wizard should then launch.
- Mac OS X:
- In your Applications folder, you should see either an IBM folder or an SPSS folder. Open that folder.
- Inside that folder should be a folder called SPSS 26. Open that folder.
- You should see an application called License Authorization Wizard. Double-click that program.
- The License Authorization Wizard should then launch.
- The wizard should display the License Status window, which shows the authorization status for all detected SPSS components. Click Next.
- On the Product Authorization window, select the button next to License my product now. Click Next.
- Enter the authorization code you received in your SPSS order confirmation, then click Next.
- If successful, the installer should report "Successfully processed all codes." Click Next.
- Click Finish. You have now completed the installation and license the authorization of your new SPSS software.