Student iClicker FAQ's

I Clicker Frequently Asked Questions for Students


Frequently Asked Questions for Students


Why is a clicker required for my class?
Like many instructors, yours has decided (and education studies have confirmed) that incorporating classroom response system technology helps foster discussion among your classmates, gives your instructor a clear sense of how the class is doing, and ultimately improves comprehension and learning.

How do I turn on my i>clicker?

Once you remove your clicker from its packaging, you will need to pull the “Pull” tab from the back of the remote to activate the batteries. On the front of your clicker you will notice there are 6 options: A, B, C, D, E, and On/Off. The On/Off button is what you choose to both turn it on (resulting in a sold blue light by the “Power” indicator at the top of your clicker) and off (removing the solid blue light).


Do I have to register my i>clicker?

Not necessarily. Your instructor will likely tell you if s/he expects you to register your clicker in one of the first few classes of the term. Some instructors opt for students to use i>clicker to respond to questions during class anonymously and never require students to register. For example, he/she may simply wish to receive classroom feedback (especially on sensitive topics) without tying individual responses to individual students.

Most instructors, though, do require you to register your i>clicker to your name/student ID at some point. Often, they use your clicker responses to assign participation or attendance points to reward you for participating in class. Other professors also assign you points for selecting specific answers. In order to give you credit for using your i>clicker during class polling sessions, registration is then essential. One benefit to i>clicker: you don’t have to register your clicker before being able to use it. in Your responses are stored and credited to your clicker remote ID, the series of letters/numbers located on the back of your clicker, rather than to you. If/when your instructor then determines he/she would like the feedback to be credited to each student, you can register (instructions below) and all your previously recorded responses will be retroactively assigned to you.


How do I register my i>clicker?

There are two easy ways to register your clicker. Your instructor will direct you to either register in class (through the “roll call” registration) or you can register online. Your instructor may have specific registration instructions for you (e.g. which student ID you should use if your instructor uses a course management system like Blackboard), so we suggest consulting your syllabus or course web site for directions before registering online.

Where do I find my clicker ID?

To locate your clicker ID, see the back of your remote and enter the series of numbers on the white sticker on the bottom of your clicker.


Are there zeros or the letter O in my clicker ID?

Your clicker ID may contain the number zero, but will not contain the letter O.


I see I need to enter my student ID on the i>clicker Web Registration site. What is my student ID?

Your student ID is assigned to you by your school, but you will want to consult your instructor before proceeding to ensure you are using the correct student identifier. We know that in many cases, you might have a student ID comprised of numbers and a student ID comprised of just letters. You may also have a student ID tied to your university email system or your school’s course management system (e.g. Blackboard, WebCT). To save time (yours and your instructor’s), please check with your instructor for specifics about which student ID to use before registering online.


Where do I enter my school during online registration?

You do not need to enter your school during online registration. You only need to enter your name (first and last name), your student ID (see above), and your i>clicker remote ID. Your registration is tied directly to your professor’s roster so there is no need to provide your school name.


How can I tell if I have successfully registered online?

After you have successfully registered via the Web site, you will receive the following confirmation message: “Thanks! Your clicker has been registered with the system.”  You will not, however, receive a confirmation email. (We don’t like to collect your email address as it could violate certain student privacy laws.)


I use my i>clicker remote for multiple classes with different professors? Do I have to register for each individual class?

No. You only need to register once and your registration information will apply to all of the classes for which you are using i>clicker (provided you have voted with your remote in each class). Exception: the one point of possible confusion is if your instructors are using different student IDs to record your grades. Make sure you consult with your professors about the proper student ID required when you register online.


Can I share my i>clicker remote with my roommate/friend?

Yes, as long as you are not taking the same class/section. Because registration is tied to your student ID/name and your professor’s roster, you can share your i>clicker remote with a friend or roommate as long as you are taking different classes/sections. You cannot share an i>clicker for the same class/section.


My professor is using the in-class registration. I came to class late, after he’d already begun the roll call registration. How exactly does this work?

It is actually pretty easy. From the scrolling names, look for your name and/or student ID. When your name appears in “Step Two,” a letter will appear to the right of your student ID. Press that letter on your i>clicker remote. A second letter will appear to the right of your student ID in “Step Three”. Press that second letter and you have now successfully registered your i>clicker remote to


What if my name scrolls off the screen before I can complete Step 2 or 3?

No problem; you’ll have your opportunity again. Just wait for your name to appear at the top of the screen again. Names will continue to scroll on the screen until all students have registered.


What is the cost of registering my i>clicker?

There is no cost. After purchasing your clicker, it is yours to use in as many classes as required without any additional costs or recurring registration fees.


I registered with incorrect information when registering online. How can I fix it?

If you used incorrect information during the Web site registration process, please register again with the correct information. The most common mistake is either the incorrect student ID or incorrect remote ID. Your instructor's roster will have the correct username and match your registration.  The incorrect information will simply be ignored.


I registered online but my professor says I have not registered yet.

This could be caused by two possible factors. Have you voted in class with your remote yet?  If you have not voted with your i-clicker remote, the online registration will not synchronize your registration with your professor’s gradebook. You must vote at least once in class. You may also have entered the incorrect i>clicker remote ID or the wrong student ID. Re-register online and the incorrect information will simply be ignored.


How do I un-register my remote?

There is no need to un-register your remote, even if you will no longer be using it.  Registration does not alter the i>clicker remote in any way, and the registration database is cleared automatically at the end of each semester.


Could my responses be confused with others?

No.  Your remote ID is unique. Once registered, it will only be tied to your student ID. Note, however, that you cannot share one i>clicker remote with another student in the same class.


Do I get credit for my responses?

This is a decision your instructor will make. He/she has the option to assign points for participation or attendance, to assign points for correct responses, or to simply use your response for attendance purposes. Your class syllabus or course web site will generally include the grading policy for the course (including points policies for clicker questions).


How do I know if my vote has been received?

On the top of your clicker are three light indicators (Power, Low Battery, and Vote Status). The “Vote Status” light will flash green, indicating your vote has been received and confirmed. A red flashing light indicates that your vote was not received and you will need to vote again. Your clicker will also flash red if you vote when your instructor has not begun polling or has stopped polling.


Can I change my response?

You are able to change your response as long as the polling remains active. During an active polling period (when your professor is accepting votes), i>clicker will record your last response. Once your instructor stops polling, your change in vote will not be recorded (and your “Status” light will flash red three times).


Not sure if your instructor is still polling? Look on the floating polling bar on his/her screen. If you see the words “Done,” s/he has stopped allowing students to vote for that question:

How long will my batteries last?

The battery life is approximately 200 hours. The “Low Battery” light will flash red when you need to replace your batteries. Once this light begins flashing, you have less than 10 hours of battery power remaining. Your clicker uses 3 AAA batteries, which are inexpensive to replace. New i>clicker remotes include 3 AAA batteries.


How do I change my batteries?

On the back of your i>clicker is a small slot. You will need to insert a paperclip or similar device (such as the clasp on a pen) to release the covering, allowing you to remove and replace the batteries.


What if I forget to turn off my i>clicker?

The clicker will remain on for 90 minutes as long as there is an activated base in your classroom. If you leave class and forget to turn off your clicker, it will automatically turn off after 5 minutes. In fact, it will automatically turn itself off even if a particular button is being continually compressed.


Will my clicker work in other classes?

Yes, as long as your other instructors are also using i>clicker software and hardware. There are other clickers available on the market (none of which are cross-compatible), so you will need to confirm that your other professors are also using i>clicker.


What if I am having problems with my i>clicker?

There is a standard one-year limited warranty available with each clicker. If the problem occurs during class, let your instructor know immediately. He or she may have a loaner clicker available for you to use for the duration of the class. If your clicker is defective, your process of returning it will depend upon how you obtained it. If you purchased it through your bookstore, you may return it to the bookstore. If a particular department on your campus provided it to you, you will need to check with that department to determine their replacement policy. If you purchased a previously-used clicker, you will need to consult with that particular source for replacement options.

We also recommend that you contact technical support for troubleshooting tips and guidance.


Is technical support available?

Yes, there is technical support available for students. You can either call our Technical Support Center toll free at 866-209-5698, or you can send an email with your particular concern to