Account Compromised
You may have received an email from, informing you that your account had been compromised and your ability to send email has been disabled. These are the steps that you must take in order to gain access to your UofL email account:
Run a FULL/advanced (not a quick)virus scan on ALL of your devices that you check your UofL email, including phones and tablets
Windows – Defender is available for Windows 10 and 7
           Click on the Windows button and type in defender
           Click on Defender and run an Advanced scan
Mac OS –
Faculty/Staff:Â Symantec Anti-virus is available from the K: drive
           log in with your ULink credentials
           Symantec Endpoint Protection for Mac
           Double click on the Symantec endpoint Protection.dmg
Students: go to the App Store and search for anti-virus  Do NOT use AVAST or Kaspersky
iOS – go to the App Store and search for anti-virus  Do NOT use AVAST or Kaspersky
Android – go to the Play Store and search for anti-virus Do NOT use AVAST or Kaspersky
When the scan(s) are complete, call (852-7997) or LiveChat ( the HelpDesk and report on what virus scan software you used and the results of the scan, for each device. You may be asked to provide a screen shot of the results. That information will be forwarded and Microsoft will be notified that the account can be reactivated. It will be at least an hour after Microsoft is notified before your account will be active/available for use.