Voice Mail Policy FAQ's

Are there any voice mail storage limitations?

Yes. The maximum message storage quota is 45MB (or 30 messages, not to exceed 90 minutes total per user). In addition to the message storage quota, a message aging policy of 14-days will also be applied.

What if I am scheduled to be out of the office for more than 14 days and am unable to check my voice mail? Will my voice mail be automatically deleted due to the message aging policy?

Yes. The message aging policy will automatically delete all messages (read, unread and saved) older than 14 days.

If you are planning a sabbatical or another extended absence you will be able to make arrangements for extended message storage via a work order request. Please submit your voice mail request at https://tele1.louisville.edu/webapp.

What if I have a threatening message or other messages related to pending litigation that need to be saved for longer than 14 days?

If you have a threatening message or other messages related to pending litigation, you will be able to make arrangements for extended message storage via a work order request. Please submit your voice mail request at https://tele1.louisville.edu/webapp.

What happens if I exceed my voice mail storage limitations?

  • Before you reach the storage limitations, you will receive the following three storage warnings:
  • Issue Warning—When your mailbox reaches 40MB in size (approximately 84 minutes total recorded message time). The system will notify you when logging into your voice mail by playing the prompt, “Your Inbox is almost full. If your inbox exceeds its storage limit, you will not be able to send or receive new messages. To reduce the size of your inbox, delete some messages now. You will be reminded to do so each time you log on until your inbox is no longer close to its storage limit.”
  • Prohibit Send—When your mailbox reaches 42MB in size (approximately 87 minutes total recorded message time), you will be prohibited from sending messages. The system will notify you when logging into your voice mail by playing the prompt, “Your inbox is full. You cannot send new messages. Delete some messages now.”
  • Prohibit Send and Receive—When your mailboxes reaches 45MB in size (approximately 90 minutes total recorded message time), you will be prohibited from sending or receiving messages. The system will notify you when logging into your voice mail by playing the prompt, “Sorry. Your inbox is full. You cannot send or receive new messages. Please delete some messages now.”

What would an outside caller hear when trying to leave a message for a user who has been prohibited from receiving messages?

If an outside caller attempts to leave a message for a user who is prohibited from sending or receiving (due to exceeding the storage limit), the outside caller will hear, “You cannot record a message for User's Name. This mailbox is full."

When a user's inbox is nearing the storage limit and reaches or exceeds the storage limit during the delivery a message from an outside caller, the system will deliver the message regardless of the quota.

What would an internal caller hear when trying to leave a message for a user who has been prohibited from receiving messages?

If an internal caller attempts to leave a message for a user who is prohibited from sending or receiving (due to exceeding the storage limit), the message will not be delivered and the internal caller will receive a receipt of non-delivery on their system telephone.

If a user’s voice mail inbox is nearing the storage limit and reaches or exceeds the storage limit during the attempted delivery of a message from an internal caller, the message will not be delivered and the internal caller will receive a receipt of non-delivery on their system telephone.

What about a user who has been prohibited from sending messages? What happens when he or she tries to send a message to another internal user?

In this case, the system will indicate that the quota has been exceeded and will not allow the user to record the message.