How to create a quick step button
How to create a quick step button
How to create a [SEND SECURE] Quick Step Button
Use the “Quick Steps” feature on the Outlook Tool bar in the Outlook client to build an automated process for using the [SEND SECURE] email feature.
- First click on the Create New, option in the Quick Steps box.
- Edit the Quick Step Box and name the Quick Step “SEND SECURE”. In the Choose an Action box, select the “New Message” option (located under the “Respond category”).
- Click the “Show Options” link.
- Fill in the subject line with the proper formatting included “[SEND SECURE]” and click the Finish Button at the bottom.
- Now all you will need to do is click on the “Quick Step” option for “SEND SECURE” next time you need to send a secured message and a new email will open with correct subject line format.