VoIP Feature Instructions and FAQ's




Q: How do I answer a second incoming call on the same line?

A: To answer a second incoming call, press the Answer soft key (Answer). The first call will automatically be placed on hold.


Q: Can certain telephone lines on the phone be restricted from calling outside the campus?

A: Yes. By default, the VoIP phones are configured for long distance use. Your department may choose to broaden or limit that feature. The lowest level calling restriction is campus only.

Q: Can incoming calls be 'blocked'?

A: No. Incoming calls cannot be blocked using a VoIP phone.


Q: Who can set up a conference call?

A: Any VoIP phone user can initiate a conference call. The limit is 6 participants, including the initiator.

Q: How do I transfer control of a conference call to another participant?

A: To transfer control of a conference call to another participant, Press the Transfer (Transfer) soft key, dial the number to which you would like to give control of the call, and press Transfer (Transfer) again.

Q: How can I avoid disturbing others in a conference call when I need to leave momentarily?

A: Press the 'Mute' button on the front of the phone to prevent others from hearing any sound from your phone. You will still be able to hear others, but they cannot hear you.

Q: Can one of the callers brought in on a conference call add another caller to the conference?

A: No. The only person who can add more callers to a conference call is the person who initiates the conference call.

Q: Can conference calling be made to long distance/international numbers?

A: Yes. Conference calls can be made to long distance and international numbers if phones are configured with those options. A valid ELD code is required for long distance and international calling.

Q: Can a conference call initiator leave a conference call and allow the other callers to continue?

A: Yes. If someone initiates a conference call using a VoIP phone and leaves the conference call, the conference call will continue.

Q: Do conference call participants have the ability to speak to each other while additional callers are being conferenced in?

A: Yes. Conference call participants do have the ability to speak to each other while additional callers are being conferenced in.

Q: While on a conference call on the phone that initiated the conference call, can an incoming call be added to the conference call?

A: Yes. An incoming call to the phone that initiated the conference call can be added to a conference call using the Join feature.Press the Answer soft key; then select the Join soft key (a check mark icon will appear next to the incoming call). Navigate to and highlight the conference call; select the Join soft key again. The call will now be a part of the conference call. Note: When the incoming call is answered, the initiating phone will be automatically placed on hold. However, all other conference call participants will still be able to speak.

Q: If another call comes in and is answered while a conference call is in session, do the conference callers hear music on hold?

A: No. Conference callers do not hear music on hold when the conference call is placed on hold.

Q: What happens when a call is answered on the same line that an active conference call was initiated from?

A: An incoming call answered on the same line that an active conference call was initiated from will appear on the LCD. When the call is answered, the conference callers will be placed on hold. If the call is not answered, the call will go to voicemail if configured.


Q: Is there a new dialing plan?

A: Yes. For campus to campus calls, dialing all seven digits is required. For example: 852-XXXX. Dialing '9' is no longer required for calling from campus to off-campus.


Q: How do you forward calls directly to voice mail?

A: Incoming calls can be forwarded directly to voice mail by pressing the Call Forward (CFwdALL) soft key and then pressing the Messages features button on a VoIP phone.(If voicemail if configured on the line)

Q: What phone number appears on the VoIP LCD when a forwarded call occurs?

A: VoIP to VoIP calls will show the forwarded number. VoIP to non-VoIP calls will show the orginating number.

Q:Is there a way to pre-program a phone number that you might frequently forward your VoIP phone to?

A:Yes. A Speed Dial associated with a button can be set up and used to forward calls to. After setting up a Speed Dial button in the CM User Options, select the Call Forward (CFwdALL) soft key on your VoIP phone, then press the Speed Dial button to forward calls. NOTE: Abbreviated Speed Dials not associated with a button on a VoIP phone cannot be used to forward calls to.

Q: Is there a way to forward the calls without the forwarded # showing up on the phone screen?

A: No, the forwarding number cannot be hidden.


Q: How does the Join feature work?

A: The Join feature allows two or more existing calls to be combined to create a conference call. From an active call, highlight and select the call you want to include in the conference. Repeat this step to select all of the calls you want to add. Then press the Join soft key.

Long Distance

NOTE: Valid ELD is required for long distance and international VoIP calling usage.

Q: Is the long distance service secured? In other words, does a user require an access code of some sort to dial a long distance phone number?

A: ELD codes are required for long distance and international VoIP calling usage. By default, phones are set to long distance calling capabilities.


Q: Can you transfer from a VoIP phone to a non-UofL phone number?

A: Yes. Phone calls from UofL VoIP phone numbers can be transferred to non-UofL phone numbers if the phones are not restricted to campus only calling.

Q: Can you transfer a call by first searching in Corporate Directory, then selecting that entry when found?

A: No. Calls cannot be transferred using an entry from the Corporate Directory.

Q: Can a call be transferred to a Speed Dial on my phone?

A: Yes. Calls can be transferred to a Speed Dial on a VoIP phone. While on a call, press the Transfer (Transfer) soft key, then press the desired Speed Dial. Press the Transfer (Transfer) soft key again to complete the transfer.

Q: Can a call be transferred to an Abbreviated Speed Dial on my phone?

A: No. Calls cannot be transferred to an Abbreviated Speed Dial. The Abbreviated Dial (AbbrDial) soft key is not an option on the LCD when the Transfer (Transfer) soft key is selected.

Q: Can a call be transferred using a Fast Dial on my phone?

A: No. Calls cannot be transferred using a Fast Dial.




Q: Will the VoIP phone interfere with network traffic to and from my computer?

A: No. Your VoIP phone plugs into the data connection now used by your desktop computer and your computer plugs into a connection on the back of your VoIP phone. Both run at the same speed. If you have the G series phones, both the phone and computer will run at 100 Mbps (100 million bits per second). If you have the G-GE series phones, your phone and computer will run at 1000 Mbps (1000 million bits per second) if your data port is set to that.

Q: Is my telephone service interrupted when the network is down?

A: Yes. If the network is down, telephone service will be interrupted because the phones will be using the same physical wiring network as all the computers on campus. Interruptions of electrical power will also interrupt telephone service.

Q: Will I need a second data connection in my office for the VoIP phone?

A: No. Your VoIP phone plugs into the data connection now used by your desktop computer and your computer plugs into a connection on the back of your VoIP phone


Q: If a VoIP phone loses power, is information such as the Personal Address Book entries lost?

A: No. Loss of information will not result from a power outage. Information accessed from the phone is stored on the central VoIP system, not on the phone itself.




Q: How can a user be added/removed from the Corporate Directory?

A:Users can be added or removed from the Corporate Directory via a work order

Work Order System: https://tele1.louisville.edu/webapp/


Q: Do you need to enter the entire string of characters you are searching on, or will just the first few letters produce results?

A: When searching directories such as the Corporate Directory or Personal Directory on a VoIP phone, entering a single character will provide a list of names that begin with that letter. Adding more letters to a search will narrow the list.

Missed, Placed, Received

Q: Can calls be deleted from the Missed, Received or Placed Directories on a VoIP Phone?

A: Yes. Calls can be deleted and/or cleared from Missed, Received and Placed Directories. To delete an entry within a directory, highlight the entry using the Navigation Button on the VoIP phone, then press the Delete soft key. To clear all of the entries within a directory, highlight the directory and press the Clear soft (Clear) key.

Personal Address Book (PAB)

Q: Can you save or transfer an entry from the Directories listings on a VoIP phone to the Personal Address Book (PAB)?

A: No. Directories entries cannot be saved to the Personal Address Book (PAB) on a VoIP phone.

Q: Is there a way to upload contact information from Groupwise, or MS Outlook into the Personal Address Book (PAB)?

A: No. There is no method to upload contact information from Groupwise, or MS Outlook into the Personal Address Book (PAB).

Q: Can you delete Personal Address Book (PAB)entries from the Call Manager User Interface?

A: Yes. PAB entries can be deleted from the CM User Options Interface. From the Find and List Personal Address Book Entries page of the CM User Options Interface, list all entries by placing the cursor in the Find Personal Address Book where field and press the Find button. When the list of PAB entries appears, select the box next to the entry you want to delete and press the Delete Selected button. Any Fast Dials entries associated with the PAB will be deleted from the Fast Dials lists as well.



Abbreviated Dial

Q: What ‘ID’ appears on the screen when an abbreviated dial occurs?

A: The Abbreviated Dial feature is an extension of Speed Dials. Using the Abbreviated Dial feature allows you to assign an index number to a phone number for abbreviated dialing not associated with a button on a VoIP phone.

  • When accessing an Abbreviated Dial, the phone number associated with the index number will appear on the LCD of a VoIP phone.
  • To make calls using Abbreviated Dials, you need to set up your Abbreviated Dials from the Speed Dial and Abbreviated Dial Configuration screen of the CM User Options page.

If index number 2 is assigned as the UofL Info (852-5555) in the Speed Dial and Abbreviated Dial Configuration screen in CM User Options and the number 2 is pressed on the key pad, the number 2 will appear on the LCD. Then, when the Abbreviated Dial (AbbrDial) soft key is pressed,' To 852-5555' will appear and the number will automatically be dialed.


Q: How can I adjust the contrast of the screen on my VoIP phone?

A: To adjust the LCD contrast on your phone:

  1. Press the settings button
    2. Select User Preferences and then Contrast
    3. Use the Down (Down) and Up (Up) soft keys to adjust the contrast setting of the LCD
    4. Select the Save (Save) soft key to save the contrast setting

Q: Do VoIP phones have Caller-ID?

A: Yes, the Caller-ID function is available on in-bound and out-bound calls. Additionally, there are "missed calls" and "placed calls" displays that you can call up on the LCD display by pressing the directories key.


Q: How can I adjust the foot stand angle of the phone?

A: The angle of the phone can be adjusted using the phone stand button. The phone stand adjustment button is located on the right hand side of the programmable phone buttons toward the back of the phone. The large bullet shaped button can be pushed in to adjust the large phone stand on the back of the phone set.

Q: How can I adjust the volume?

A: Ring volume can be adjusted by pressing the volume button while the phone is on-hook. Call volume can be adjusted by pressing the volume button while a call is in progress.

Q: Can I switch between handset, headset, and speakerphone during a call?

A: Yes. To switch to headset or speakerphone, press the appropriate button on the front of the phone and place the handset in the cradle. To switch from speakerphone or headset to the handset, simply lift the handset from the cradle. The speakerphone or headset will be turned off and the handset will become active.

Q: Do the VoIP phones have a speakerphone?

A: Yes. The phone sets have a speakerphone.

Q: Can I use a headset with my VoIP phone?

A: Yes. UofL Comm. Services sells a VoIP Compatible headset H251, over head monaural style. You can also purchase directly from another vendor. Many options are available online. Note that you do not need the conversion box with a VoIP phone. Also UofL Comm. Services only supports the H251 headset. For headset inquiries, please contact Comm. Services Customer Support at 852-5145

Q: Does the speakerphone 'cut out' when two people speak simultaneously?

A: No. The speakerphone is a full duplex system which allows simultaneous communication in both directions meaning two callers can speak and be heard at the same time.

Q: Is the headset connection box built in or is there still a box that is required between the headset and the phone.

A: Yes. The headset connection box is built in therefore the box is not required.

Q: Are longer handset cords available for VoIP phones?

A: Yes. UofL Comm. Services sells handset cords they are available in 7' (standard), and 25' lengths. For handset cord inquiries, please Comm. Services Customer Support at 852-5145.

Fast Dials

Q: What appears on the phone LCD when dialing using Fast Dials?

A: If the Fast Dial information was retrieved from a Personal Address Book (PAB) entry, the ID will indicate one or all of the following: W - Name, M - Name, H- Name. (Work - John, Mobile - John, Home - John). If an entry was entered as RAW data in the Fast Dial Entry field of the Fast Dials Phone Book Configuration (not associated with the PAB) the phone number associated with the Fast Dial would show on the phone LCD.

Q: How do you access another user's Fast Dials?

A: From the Directories button on your phone, select Personal Directory, select Log Out, and then select OK. Once logged out, enter the UserID (ulink userid) for the person whose list you would like access to. Then enter the user's PIN(7 digit number) number and press the Submit (Submit) soft key. Select Personal Fast Dials from the Directories menu and the other user's list will display. To view your Personal Fast Dials, log out, then log in again with your UserID and Pin Number.

Q: Can you delete Fast Dial entries from the CCM User Interface?

A: Yes. From the Find and List Fast Dials Phone Book page of the CCM User Interface, list all entries by placing the cursor in the Find Fast Dials Phone Book where field and press the Find button. When the list of Fast Dial entries appears, select the box next to the entry you want to delete and press the Delete Selected button. This will delete the Fast Dial entry.


Q: Can second incoming calls be set up to automatically be 'diverted'?

A: Yes. The iDivert (iDivert) soft key allows a user to divert a call directly to voice mail by selecting the iDivert (iDivert) soft key while receiving an incoming call. The iDivert option will work on second incoming calls.

Q: If the iDivert (iDivert) soft key is pressed when an incoming call on a co-workers' separate line comes in, which voice mailbox does the call go to?

A: The call would be diverted to the co-workers' voice mailbox. The iDivert (iDivert) soft key option would be displayed on the LCD when the incoming call on the other line was coming in.


Q: Can the font on the phone (LCD) be set in a larger print?

A: No. The font on the VoIP phone's LCD can not be made larger.

Q: Can the time on the LCD be displayed in 24 hour format?

A: No. The phones are configured to display time in a 12 hour format only.


Q: Is there a ‘silent’ ringer that can be set?

A: Yes. Default ring settings are disable, ring, ring once, and flash (just blinking button light). Ringer settings can be changed thru the CCM User Options page or by putting in a work order.

Work Order System: https://tele1.louisville.edu/webapp

Q: Can ring tones be downloaded from the Internet to a VoIP phone?

A: No. Additional ring tones cannot be downloaded to a VoIP phone from the Internet.

Q: Can the number of rings before going to voice mail be set from the ‘default’?

A: The default number of rings before a calls goes to voice mail is 4. The default number can be changed by putting in a work order.

Work Order System: https://tele1.louisville.edu/webapp

Speed Dials

Q: How do I program my Speed Dials?

A: To program Speed Dials, see Speed Dials and Abbreviated Dials on the UofL VoIP Phone Quick Reference located at: http://louisville.edu/it/services/phones/voip/

Q: If you create a Speed Dial of someone already in the VoIP system, will the person's name be displayed instead of just the phone number when abbreviated number is dialed?

A: Yes. The person's name will apprear in the LCD after the Speed Dial number is entered and Abbreviated (AbbrDial) soft key is pressed if a Speed Dial is created for a person whose name is in the VoIP system.

Q: Can a 'pause' be programmed in a Speed Dial?

A: No. The only valid alpha numeric characters that can be programmed for Speed Dials are 0 -9, * and #.


Q: Will I keep my same phone number when I get a VoIP phone?

A: Yes. You can keep the same phone number.


Q: Does the mute button work while using the speaker phone?

A: Yes. The mute button will work while on a call using the speaker phone.

Q: What is a Busy Lamp Field?

A: A Busy Lamp Field (BLF) is a button programmed to allow an operator to see if others are on their phones. A BLF is a visual indication of the phone status "on hook" or "off hook". A red BLF button indicates a line is in-use; a grey or unlit BLF button indicates the line is idle. To identify who is on the phone, buttons programmed as a BLF also have either a directory number or the person's name associated with the BLF.

Q: How do operators with lines programmed as Busy Lamp Field (BLF) know who from the department is on their phone and who is not.

A: A button programmed as a BLF allows all operators to see if others are on their phones. A BLF is a visual indication of the phone status "on hook" or "off hook". A red BLF button indicates a line is in-use; a grey or unlit BLF button indicates the line is idle. Buttons programmed as a BLF have either a directory number or the person's name associated with the BLF in the LCD to indicate who is on their phone.

Q: Can a call be transferred using a Busy Lamp Field (BLF) button?

A: Yes. Calls can be transferred using a BLF by pressing the corresponding BLF button in the transfer process rather than dialing the phone number.

Q: If a sidecar is programmed with a BLF, does the directory number of the BLF have to be a on a VoIP phone?

A: Yes. The directory number of the BLF must be working within the VoIP system.


Q: Can two separate VoIP phones in one department have the same line(s)?

A: Yes. Two or more separate VoIP phones in one department can have the same line(s). Incoming calls can be answered from all of the phones that have the same lines.

Q: Can I still share my fax line, alarm line, or modem line with my VoIP phone line?

A: No. Fax, alarm and modem lines are analog lines. VoIP lines and phones cannot share voice traffic with analog lines.

Q: When several people have a line that is configured as the main departmental line, does the line show that someone is on the main line on all phones that share that line?

A: Yes. When a shared line is active, or in use, the buttons (on all phones) associated with the shared line will be lit red indicating the line in use. For shared lines, only calling party information is displayed; not called party information except when a call is placed on hold. When on hold, all phones that share a line will display the called party information and the call can be resumed from any of the phones.


CCM User Options Interface

Q: How do I get my password?

A: The default password for the CCM User Options website is $UofLpass1 or 7 digit telephone number. If your password is no longer working, contact Comm. Services customer support via a work order. https://tele1.louisville.edu/webapp for a password reset.

Voice Mail

Q: I've forgotten my voice mail password! How can I get it back?

A: Email or call IT Helpdesk at 852-7997 or helpdesk@louisville.edu

Q: Can voice mail be set up without a password?

A: No. The VoIP system requires voice mail be set up with a password.


Q: Can I move my phone?

A: No. Because the data port has to be programmed for VoIP access. It is VERY IMPORTANT to notify Comm. Services Customer Support via a work order when doing this as we will need to update Emergency 911 information for University Police.


Q: Can I replace my Cisco VoIP phone with a different brand?

A: No. The models currently supported at UofL are: Cisco 7940,7941,7942,7945,7960, 7961,7962,7965,7970,7971,7975,7935,7936,7937,7931

Q: How many lines will the Cisco 7962 VoIP telephones support?

A: The Cisco 7962 VoIP telephone will support up to six lines.

Q: How many lines will the Cisco 7942 VoIP telephones support?

A: The Cisco 7942 VoIP telephone will support two lines.

Q: Do the new telephones have a cordless phone option?

A: No. VoIP phones do not have a cordless option at this time.


Q: Who do I contact if my VoIP phone is broken?

A: Email or call Helpdesk or 852-7997


Q: Will the VoIP system support 911 functionality?

A: Yes, the VoIP system supports enhanced 911(E911) functionality. Emergency calls are directed to Louisville Metro 911 services. The system delivers room and building location information and supports callback capabilities. If phones are moved to/from a different room and building, location information needs to be updated in the E911 system. For this condition, please contact Comm. Services Customer Support via a work order to announce your changes.

Voice Mail

Q: Will the VoIP phones have voice mail?

A: Voice mail can be set up on all VoIP phones. Departments can choose to configure VoIP phone with or without voice mail.

Q: How do you access voice mail for a line when there is more than one line on a phone?

A: To access voice mail from a VoIP phone that has multiple phone lines with voice mail, press the phone button associated with the voice mail you would like to access. Then press the Messages button and follow the Unity system prompts.

Q: Can you skip the Unity voice mail greeting when leaving a message.

A: Yes. To skip the Unity voice mail greeting when leaving a message, press # when the greeting begins.


Q: Can a VoIP voice mail message be forwarded to analog phones voicemail?

A: No. VoIP voicemail uses Unity and analog centrex numbers use Memory Call


Q: Can several voice mail greeting recordings be used on one phone so that one can be selected when needed?

A: Yes. There are 5 voice mail greeting options that can be accessed and selected through the Messages button on a VoIP phone. Greeting Options include:

  • Standard (for use during business hours)
  • Closed (for use after hours)
  • Alternative (for use when on vacation or away)
  • Busy (for use when busy or on the phone)
  • Internal (for use when the caller is internal)

To access the Greeting Options, press the Messages buttons on your phone, enter your password followed by #, then press 4 to access Setup Options. Press option 1 to access Greeting Options. Follow the system prompts to select, record, turn on greetings, and edit other greetings.



Q: Are there any voice mail storage limitations (e.g. Space?)

A: Yes. The storage limitation is 30 minutes of storage. When the mailbox is full, an automated message will prompt the user to delete messages. The user can delete any or all of their saved messages by following the voice mail prompts within the voice mail system. No message will be recorded if the storage limit is exceeded. Callers will also be alerted that the voice mail box is full.

Menu Shortcuts

Q: Is there a way to navigate through voice mail so that a caller can dial ‘0’ or some other character to back out of it?

A: Yes. Voice mail short cuts can be used to navigate through voice mail messages. For a complete list of voice mail short cuts, see: Cisco Unity Voicemail Instructions

Q: What is 'Slow Playback'?

A: Slow Playback is a voice mail option that can be selected when listening to voice mail messages. When 4 is pressed on the phone key pad, the message being listened to will play back slowly. To resume normal speed, press 8 on the key pad.


Q: Can I check my voice messages on the VoIP phone from another VoIP phone?

A: Yes. To access your voice mail messages from another VoIP phone, press the MESSAGES button, press *, dial your ID (VoIP phone number) and enter your password.

Q: Can I check my voice messages from off campus?

A: Yes. For remote voice mail access, refer to the Accessing Cisco Unity section of the Cisco Unity Voicemail Instructions


Q: How do I set up my voice mail?

A: Setting up Voice Mail

  1. Press the Messages button.
    2. Enter initial phone password: 12345 followed by #.
    3. From Set Up Options, record your name and greeting, and change your phone password.
    NOTE: The system will NOT allow a phone password to be:
    - your telephone number
    - the same digits (e.g. 44444)
    - a sequence of digits (e.g. 12345 or 54321)
    4. Follow prompts to complete the process.

Q: After setting up my voicemail for the first time, the voicemail operator stated that I will have to change it again, I think in 3 months. Do I have to?

A: No. Once a mailbox is "successfully" set up by a user, it will never have to be reset again unless a new user is newly assigned to that specific mailbox number.