Wireless Trouble questions - Useful Information to Gather

Contact Information 

UofL UserID:
Phone Number:

Device Information
Type of Device:
(Laptop, iphone, ipad, android, etc.)

If your device is a laptop which OS is it running?
(WinXP, WinVista, Win7, Win8, Mac OS X)

Which networks has this device been able to connect to in the past?
(Ulsecure, ulvisitor, ulsponsor, no uofl networks)

Problem Information

Time problem occurred?
Which networks were you attempting to connect to?
(Ulsecure, ulvisitor, ulsponsor)
Are you able to see the network that you are trying to connect to?

Which of the following best describes the problem?
(Unable to connect to the wireless network at all or is it an Intermittent Problem)

If the answer is Intermittent Problem please follow up with these questions as applicable
1. Are you able to connect to the wireless network but the Internet doesn’t work at all
2. Are you able to connect to the wireless network, but the Internet is slow
3. Is your wireless connection dropped repeatedly?
4. When dropped, can you get back on?

Check all the account stuff in AD
1. Valid password (not expired)
2. Account locked?
3. Member of Wire_Users group?