Microsoft Online Training
Microsoft Online Training
You must use Internet Explorer to access Microsoft E-Learning. For issues or questions, please call Microsoft Support at (800) 690-6555
Already have a Microsoft Account
(i.e., sign in to a Windows PC, tablet, phone, Xbox Live, Outlook.com, or OneDrive) use that account to sign in.
- Click on http://onlinelearning.microsoft.com.
- Click on Sign In button.
- Select Microsoft Account.
- Sign in with your UofL Exchange email address and password. If you forgot the password click on Can’t access your account? and follow the instructions to reset it.
- Click the Sign in button.
If you see an error about a subscription expired, please view the attached PDF file (E-Learning expired subscription.pdf)
Do not have a Microsoft account
- Click on http://onlinelearning.microsoft.com.
- Click on Sign In
- Click on Microsoft Account
- Go to Don’t have a Microsoft account? Click on Sign up now (located in the lower right area of the screen).
- Fill out the form that appears on the Create an Account screen that opens. After you fill out the form click the Create Account button. Note: User name: Use your UofL Exchange email address to sign in. Also please note that the password will not change when reset your ULink password.
- A verification window will open, you will need to check your email for the code sent to you. After you click the link in the email you received, you will have one more verification screen.
- A screen will open stating that your email address is not enrolled. You will need to click the word here to enter the UofL IT E-Learning Code: The code to use is IWOE8A836D and your UofL Exchange email address you used to create your account.
- Select Submit.
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