File Shares - Home (Mac) VPN

File Shares - Home (Mac) VPN

Mapping a network drive to Mac OS that remounts after system reboots

  1. Download and install the GlobalConnect VPN client from https://vpn.louisville.edu (NOTE: Requires a VPN account: Please see the article https://uofl.atlassian.net/l/cp/ccuPnFBT to request A VPN account if you don’t already have one)

  2. Connect to the VPN - Click the GlobalConnect Globe icon in the menu bar and select "Connect"

  3. From the Finder, hit Command+K

  4. Enter the path to the network drive you want to map, e.g., smb://fileshares.louisville.edu/data

  5. Click Connect

  6. Enter your ULink UserID as AD\UserID and password and click OK

  7. The drive is now mounted

  8. From the Finder, open Finder Preferences by hitting Command+, (hold down Command and press the comma key)

  9. Click the General tab

  10. Select the checkbox next to Connected Servers (if it’s not already checked)

  11. Close Finder Preferences

  12. Now go to System Preferences, from the Apple menu

  13. Click on Users & Groups

  14. Click on Login Items

  15. Locate the network drive you previously mounted on the desktop and drag & drop it into the list

  16. Exit out of System Preferences

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