Eduroam Onboarding (SecureW2) - Chromebook

Eduroam Onboarding (SecureW2) - Chromebook

Step 1

Connect to the ulvisitor wireless network.  Enter email and click  accept to get fully connected to ulvisitor

Step 2

Open a Browser and go to University of Louisville-uofl_eduroam | Powered by SecureW2

You should see a screen with your operating system already chosen. If not, please select your operating system from the drop-down menu next to “Select your device“.

Click Download. 

Step 3

On the Shibboleth Login prompt: Enter your UlinkID and password. Click “Login“.

Step 4

Once processing is complete, you will see an instruction page that does not do any configuration. At the same time this page opens, a new tab is opened. Click the new browser tab.

Click on “Choose File“.

Select the SecureW2.onc file. If you have run this process multiple times, there may be multiple files. Make sure you select the file with the most recent time stamp. Click OPEN.

Step 5

At this point, the certificates have been loaded onto your Chromebook, and you need to configure the SSID.

Click on the wireless icon in the bottom right, and select eduroam.

EAP Method:  EAP-TLS

Server CA: Select the Root
User Certificate: Should already be selected for you
Identity: ulinkid@louisville.edu

Click Connect, and you should successfully connect to eduroam.


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