HPC Hardware Environment
Research Computing Platforms
The current research computing cyberinfrastructure at the University of Louisville includes: a general-purpose, high-performance distributed-memory cluster, five high-memory SMP systems, and an informatics cluster. All of the systems are housed in the University's secure data center and are administered by a team of specialized HPC system administrators and supported by a team of research computing consultants with experience in HPC software and database design, development and optimization.
All research systems share over 400 TB of high-performance (GPFS-based) storage.
Facts about the distributed-memory cluster:
530 IBM iDatplex nodes each with two Intel Xeon quad or hex-core processors for 5112 total cores
Each node has between 16 GB and 48 GB memory
Each core has 2 GB to 4 GB of memory
14 nodes are equipped with dual NVIDIA M2050 or M2070 Tesla cards
Estimated peak performance is over 50 TFLOPS
Facts about the SMP systems:
IBM P570
16 IBM Power6 4.7GHz CPUs
128 GB memory
Four high-memory SMP systems each with
Four 8-core Intel Xeon 3.3GHz CPUs (32 cores per system)
768 GB memory per system
8 TB High-performance local scratch storage per system
The four-node, dedicated Spark/Hadoop informatics cluster has 50 TB of high-performance storage for high-reliability big data applications.
Contact us at it-hpc@louisville.edu with any questions or for additional information.