Eduroam Onboarding (SecureW2) - Windows 10

Eduroam Onboarding (SecureW2) - Windows 10

Step 1

Connect to the ulvisitor wireless network.  Enter email and click accept to get fully connected to ulvisitor

Step 2

Open a Browser and go to University of Louisville-uofl_eduroam | Powered by SecureW2

You should see a screen with your operating system already chosen. If not, please select your operating system from the drop-down menu next to “Select your device“.

Click JoinNow. 

Step 3

You will be prompted to download an application called “WiFi_UofL_Onboarding”.

Click Save File, then open the EXE file that was downloaded.

Step 4

Double click on the WiFi_UofL_Onboarding application to install it.

On the warning prompt about the “WiFi_UofL_Onboarding “, click on Open.

If the Secure W2 software does not open automatically, look for it in your device's downloads area or click Run

  1. If a User Account Control box pops up asking if you want to allow the SecureW2 JoinNow program to make changes to this computer, click Yes.

Step 5

On the SecureW2 app, click Next to log in.

Step 6

On the Shibboleth Login prompt: Enter your UlinkID and password. Click “Login“.

Step 7

Click on Accept

Step 8

At the Microsoft login screen enter your ULinkID@louisville.edu and password

Step 9

Click No on the Stay Signed In screen.


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