Encryption Only Accepts Old Password

Encryption Only Accepts Old Password


Password recently changed.

Symantec Encryption will only accept old password to log in. New password does not work.


  1. Make sure the system is connected directly to the university network, or a VPN connection is used.

  2. Use old password to authenticate through encryption.

    Enter new password to log in to Windows. A user called "SSO User" may appear when attempting to log in to Windows. This is normal, simply select "log in as different user" and enter AD/ulink credentials.

  3. Once logged in to Windows with *new password*, click the start button and click the small arrow next to Shut Down and click "Log Out"

    1. On Windows 10 this is accomplished by clicking Start, and then clicking the "Person" icon and selecting "Sign Out" (as seen below)

    2. Sign Out


  4. You can also press CTRL+ALT+DEL and lock the system, and then log back in with the new password to unlock.

  5. Wait about five minutes after successful login with the new password and reboot. 

  6. Confirm that Encryption now takes the new password.

If issue persists, please open an incident record with IT-EntSec for further assistance

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