Accounts - Request Accounts (CardBox, VPN, Sponsored Account, Service Account, Cardinal Research Cluster, Blackboard for Sponsored Users)

Accounts - Request Accounts (CardBox, VPN, Sponsored Account, Service Account, Cardinal Research Cluster, Blackboard for Sponsored Users)

Need a CardBox account, a VPN account, a sponsored account, or a service account? Need a sponsored user to have access to Blackboard? We’ve got you covered in our new self-service portal.

With the new self-service portal, requesting accounts is easier than ever. Simply log in to your self-service portal and request what you need by clicking the button below.

Below are guides to requesting a Cardbox account, a VPN account, a sponsored account, and a service account. You can also request Blackboard on behalf of a sponsored user (as long as you manage the account).

NOTE: If you need access to the Cardinal Research Cluster (CRC): complete the form. You cannot use the self-service portal to request access to the CRC.


  • Click the “Request Accounts” button above, or go to identity.louisville.edu

  • Enter your user ID, and click “NEXT”.

  • Enter your password, and click “NEXT”.

  • Click the “REQUESTS” tab.


  • In the new tab, select “REQUEST ACCESS”.

  • Under Step 1, check the “Include Self” box. Your last name, first name, and user ID will appear.

  • Under Step 2, select “Accounts” from the “Access Catalog” dropdown menu.


  • Select CardBox, and click “DONE”.

  • Under Step 3, select “PERMANENT”.

  • On Step 4, enter a comment in the comment box. This is required to submit the request. Entering “Requesting CardBox” is sufficient. Then, click the “SUBMIT REQUEST” button.

Once your request is submitted successfully, a pop-up will appear.

Once your CardBox account is created, you will receive an email to your University of Louisville email inviting you to use CardBox. Follow the prompts in the email to activate your CardBox account.


You can also use the self-service portal to request a VPN. Follow these steps to request a VPN:

  • Enter your password, and click “NEXT”.

  • Click the “REQUESTS” tab.


  • In the new tab, select “REQUEST ACCESS”.

  • Under Step 1, check the “Include Self” box. Your last name, first name, and user ID will appear.

  • On Step 2 (“Select resources and permissions”), select “Active Directory Groups” from the “Access Catalog” dropdown menu.

  • Multiple VPN options will appear. Select the VPN you need. Then. click the “DONE” button.

All University employees automatically receive a VPN1 account. Employees should not request a VPN2, VPN3, or VPN4 account unless they need access to specialized data.

University students are not automatically given a VPN1 account and can request one via this self-service page. Students should not request a VPN2, VPN3, or VPN4 account unless they need access to specialized data.

  • Under Step 3 (“specify access period”), select “PERMANENT”.

  • On Step 4, enter a comment in the comment box. This is required to submit the request. Please explain why you need a VPN. Then, click the “SUBMIT REQUEST” button.


Once your request is successfully submitted, a confirmation message will appear.

Once your request for a VPN is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to download the VPN client and how to use your VPN.

Service Account

  • Enter your password, and click “NEXT”.

  • Click the “REQUESTS” tab.


  • In the new tab, select “REQUEST ACCESS”.

  • On Step 1 (“Select a user”), click the “CREATE NEW USER” button on the right hand corner of the screen. A new window will appear.

  • In the new window, on Step 1 (“User Type”), select “Service Account” from the dropdown menu. If needed, click the “NEXT” button.

  • On Step 2 (“Personal Information”), enter the display name (i.e., the name that will be displayed in the address book), the username, and the primary email address of the service account you want to create (UserID@louisville.edu). If needed, verify the owner of the service account (known as the “manager”) in the grey box on the right side of the window. If the owner/manager needs to be changed, click “Select a Different Manager”. Then, click the “DONE” button.

Service account usernames cannot contain spaces and cannot be longer than 16 characters.

  • On Step 2 (“Select resources and permissions”), you can verify that the service account will receive an identity account. Proceed to Step 3 (“Specify access period”).

Service accounts do not have access to CardBox, VPN, or other resources. If you select these resources/permissions in Step 2, they will be denied.

  • On Step 3 (“specify access period”), enter the end date (i.e., expiration/renewal date) for the service account.

The maximum time before the expiration/renewal date of a service account is 365 days. For example, if you request a service account on July 1st, 2022, the latest renewal date is July 1st, 2023.

  • On Step 4, enter a comment in the comment box. This is required to submit the request. Please explain why you need a new service account. Then, click the “SUBMIT REQUEST” button.

Once your request is successfully submitted, a confirmation message will appear.

You will receive an email when your request for a service account has been processed and further instructions on how to access your new service account.

Sponsored Account

Sponsored accounts are available for individuals that are not employed by the University of Louisville but have a valid business or academic relationship that requires the account(s) and/or access. Some valid reasons for sponsoring an account are:

  • Visiting academic groups

  • Temporary or visiting instructors if no other process for provisioning is currently in place

  • Third party doing administrative or academic business for or with a university entity needing technical access

  • Accounts can only be requested by a Unit Business Manager / or the designated Tier I for the unit and approved by a VP or Dean, Dept. Chair (academic), supervisor (administrative) or designee. The account request must include the specific purpose (business or academic) of the sponsorship and the access restricted to only information and resources required for the specified purpose.

To request a sponsored account, follow the instructions below:

  • Enter your password, and click “NEXT”.

  • Click the “REQUESTS” tab.


  • In the new tab, select “REQUEST ACCESS”.

  • On Step 1 (“Select a user”), click the “CREATE NEW USER” button on the right hand corner of the screen. A new window will appear.

  • In the new window, on Step 1 (“User Type”), select “Sponsored Account” from the dropdown menu. If needed, click the “NEXT” button.

  • Complete the requested information, including the first full name of the sponsored user, the full last name of the sponsored user, and the birthday of the sponsored user. Indicate if the sponsored user needs access to email. If needed, enter your speed type and department number; and verify the manager’s information (i.e., the University staff/faculty member who will be responsible for the sponsored user and the associated account). If the manager needs to be changed, click “Select a Different Manager” on the right side of the window. Then, click the “DONE” button.

Requesting email access for a sponsored user incurs an extra charge to your department.

If access to email is not needed for your sponsored user, type “N/A” next to “Speed Type” and “Department Number”.

  • On Step 2 (“Select resources and permissions”), add any resources the sponsored user will need (e.g., VPN and Blackboard access) by clicking the “ADD RESOURCE” button in the right hand corner.

Resources may incur additional charges.

  • On Step 3 (“specify access period”), enter the end date (i.e., expiration/renewal date) for the sponsored account.

The maximum time before the expiration/renewal date of a sponsored account is 6 months. For example, if you request a service account on July 1st, 2022, the latest renewal date is January 1st, 2023.

  • On Step 4, enter a comment in the comment box. This is required to submit the request. Please explain why you need a new sponsored account. Then, click the “SUBMIT REQUEST” button.

Please be as specific as possible when entering comments. Please include the reason you need the sponsored account, including what systems the sponsored user will be using (e.g., iRIS).

Once your request is successfully submitted, a confirmation message will appear.

You will receive an email when your sponsored account is created and processed.

After the sponsored account is created and processed, have the sponsored user activate their sponsored account. When the sponsored user activates their account, they will be able to set a password for their sponsored account and enter recovery information.



All University students and employees automatically receive Blackboard accounts. Only sponsored users who need access to Blackboard are required to request access; sponsored accounts do not automatically receive Blackboard accounts.

Owners (AKA, the University employee responsible for the management of the sponsored user and account) can request Blackboard access on behalf of the sponsored user. Sponsored users cannot request Blackboard themselves.

To request Blackboard access, follow the steps below.

  • Enter your password, and click “NEXT”.

  • Click the “REQUESTS” tab.


  • In the new tab, select “REQUEST ACCESS”.

  • Under Step 1, search for the sponsored user. You can search using first name, last name, or user ID. The last name, first name, and user ID of the sponsored account you manage will appear.


  • Under Step 2, select “Accounts” from the “Access Catalog” dropdown menu.

  • Select Blackboard, and click “DONE”.

  • Under Step 3, select “PERMANENT”.

  • On Step 4, enter a comment in the comment box. This is required to submit the request. Entering “Requesting Blackboard” is sufficient. Then, click the “SUBMIT REQUEST” button.

Once your request is submitted successfully, a pop-up will appear confirming your submission.

Once your sponsored user’s Blackboard access is granted, you and your sponsored user will receive an email.

Need help? Contact our HelpDesk at 502-852-7997 or at http://helpdesk.louisville.edu .



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