Microsoft Office365 Outlook FAQ

Questions about Outlook Features

What will happen to my address book?

Your personal address book(s) will migrate with you. Shared address books will not be impacted.

What about my existing permissions or shared access?

Our plan is to migrate departments or units in the same migration group so that individuals and their delegate(s) for email and/or calendars will, most likely, move at the same time. This plan includes service accounts and shared resources.

Can I still send a 'secure' email?

Yes, the process remains the same to encrypt a specific email.

If I use the web version for access, do I need to log-out?

For security purposes, you should always log out of your account when finished.

Who can help me set up my different devices/machines?

Unit and Departmental Tier 1 staff will be assisting employees with this migration. Contact your Tier 1 to help you set up all of your machines and devices used for university purposes. If need technical assistance and you are a retiree or do not see a designated Tier 1 listed for your area, please contact the IT HelpDesk online or by phone, or get in-person assistance at iTechConnect on the lower level of Miller IT Center.

Can I install/access Microsoft Outlook on my personal computer at home?

Yes, if your unit or department is part of the University's On-Campus Agreement, you can take advantage of the Home Use Program.

What are the features available to me in Office 365 Outlook?

You'll have access to all of the standard items that you're used to using with our current Exchange/Outlook email plus a few additional perks.

What are the recommended browsers for the OWA?

The most up-to-date versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari will work best.

Other Questions

What about using our current Distribution Lists (i.e., a group of email recipients addressed as a single recipient) for sending emails?

Individuals can no longer update their enterprise-wide distribution lists. Distribution lists that were created in Exchange before the migration can only be modified by IT Email Administrators until all at UofL are 100% migrated. If you need to have a Distribution List modified, complete the form for Distribution Group modifications under Email in the IT Service Catalog.

I forward my University email to another address. Will my forwarding be impacted by the move?

We cannot assist with forwarding as the university does not endorse this practice. 

I'm a retiree/emeritus. Does this impact my email?

Yes, if you have an active account, your email will be migrated too. We'll contact you by email prior to your migration date. After migration, Retirees are encouraged to utilize the free Outlook Web Application located at for accessing your email rather than an installed version of Outlook.