Mobile Device Setup

Mobile Device Setup

Overview of Settings for Mobile Devices

If you are using Office365, downloading the Outlook app or designating your device email accounts are the preferred methods. When adding a new account, choose Microsoft Exchange as an option, follow the prompts entering the information below:

Email address or username: userID@louisville.edu
Password: Your ULink password
Server Name: outlook.office365.com
Name of your account: This is your choice. Example: UofL email.

If you have problems setting up your UofL email account on your phone, you can find 1:1 assistance at iTechConnect – on Belknap, at the lower level of Miller Information Technology Center on M-F 8am-5pm or on HSC, at Building A, room 104 on M,W,Fs 10am-2pm. You may also contact the ITS HelpDesk for further assistance at either (502) 852-7997 or online.

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