How to Encrypt an Outlook Email

How to Encrypt an Outlook Email

Before Encrypting an Email

For certain versions of Microsoft Outlook, there are steps that must be taken before encryption can be enabled and used effectively.
To be able to encrypt, in some instances, you must be connected to rights management and then download required templates for encryption.

To connect to Rights Management Servers and get templates, follow the instructions below:

  • In the Outlook web client, at the top of the client window, compose a new message.

  • In the new window that appears, at the top of the window, select Options

  • Click the small, downward-facing arrow under Encrypt

  • Select Connect to Rights Management Servers and get templates

  1. In your message pane, click Options at the top of the window.

2. After clicking Options, in the top bar, click the small, downward-facing arrow under Encrypt

3. Select Encrypt-Only from the drop-down menu that appears after you select the correct mailbox

From the Encrypt drop-down menu, you can also select the following options:

  • Set a Do Not Forward rule on a message, which is reviewed in this documentation

  • Set a message as confidential

    • When a message is marked confidential, the content of the message can be modified; however, it cannot be copied or printed.
      The message is also marked as “intended for internal users only” (i.e., other UofL users).

  • Set a message as Confidential View Only

    • When a message is marked confidential view only, the content of the message cannot be modified and is marked as “intended
      for internal users only” (i.e., other UofL users).

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