UofL Email FAQs

UofL Email FAQs

Your email address is your ULink userID@louisville.edu (for example: fmlast01@louisville.edu).

You will also be assigned an address similar to First.Last@louisville.edu. Depending on how common your name is there may be a number added after your last name. Sponsored accounts do not get a First.Last@louisville.edu email address.

Your log in ID for your UofL Email is your ULink userID@louisville.edu.

You can access your email through the web application at https://outlook.office.com/mail/.

You can use the Outlook client on your computer or mobile device.

For both types of access use your userid@louisville.edu as the email address when setting up.

  1. Tap the “Settings” icon from the home screen, then down to "Mail" 

  2. In “Mail" go to "Accounts"

  3. Tap on "Add Account"

  4. Tap the “Exchange”.

  5. Enter your full University Email address (userid@louisville.edu)

  6. Click on NEXT (upper right of the screen)

  7. Password: Your University ULink password

  8. The account SHOULD verify

  9. Be sure that all of the items (mail, Contacts, etc) are ON (have green showing)

  10. Click SAVE 

Yes, faculty and staff email addresses will appear in your UofL Email address book.

·         Personal Contact Groups

When you create a personal contact group in your UofL Email, you may include anyone in the group (even external email addresses like Gmail, Yahoo, etc). However, you are the only person who may use your personal contact groups; they cannot be shared.

·         Public Contact Groups

When you create a public contact group in your UofL Email, you may only include other UofL Email users in your group. The advantage is that other UofL Email users can see and use your public contact groups. Public groups may be controlled by the following settings:

·         Open - Any UofL Email user can join or leave the group at anytime.

·         Restricted Access - UofL Email users can only join or leave the group with approval from the creator of the group.

·         Membership Closed - All requests to join or leave the group are automatically rejected.

Yes. To combat spam and mass emailing dangers such as worms and viruses, the following limits are applied to your UofL Email account:

  • Recipient Limit - The maximum number of recipients you may include on one email message is 100. However, a public group is counted as a single recipient.

  • Message Rate Limit - The maximum number of email messages you may send from your account per minute is 30.

  • Recipient Rate Limit - The maximum number of recipients who may receive an email message from your account per day is 500.

  • Size Limit - The maximum allowed size for a message is 35MB.

They should be able to access as long as not using some VPN (third party) and not accessing from suspect IPs.

 Conditional Access for an account (if they have access issues), that must be approved.

Visit Outlook Live's online help site or contact the ITS HelpDesk at 502-852-7997 or their webpage.

Make sure you are logging in with your full UofL Email user ID (userID@louisville.edu).

Can you access email through the web application at https://outlook.office.com/mail/?

If you can access the web application your email account is working, it may be an issue with the outlook client installed on your computer.

Can you access other systems like the http://identity.louisville.edu ?

If email does not work but you can log into the self service login, make a note of what systems work and do not work and contact the helpdesk.

If you are still having problems, please contact the ITS HelpDesk at (502)852-7997 or their webpage.

Your UofL Email password matches your Account password. Changing your Account password will also change your UofL Email password.

For information, or to change your password go to Password Management.

When you delete a message it is moved to the Deleted Items folder where it remains for 30 days, or until the folder is manually emptied. Those items then remain in the "Recover Deleted Items" area for an additional 14 days, or until they are purged.

Yes. When forwarding your UofL Email to another account, all forwarded messages will appear to come from you. When replying to one of these messages, make sure you type in the sender's email address in the "To" field.

UofL Alums are eligible to request Email for life.

Requesting Email for Life will close your UofL Email account and setup email forwarding for your UofL Email address to a non-UofL email of your choosing.

Any email you would like saved must be forwarded by you to a non-UofL email before requesting Email for Life.

Once Email for Life has been setup you will no longer have access to your UofL email account or any stored emails in your mailbox.

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