Retirees - Email

Retirees - Email

Upon retirement from UofL, depending on your status or eligibility, your email account will either remain open or you are able to set up an email forwarding option to keep receiving new emails sent to your UofL address. Please be informed on your choices as it is best to set up your option prior to your last day at UofL. If the account is retained and a retiree does not access their email within the first year, the account will be closed due to lack of use.

Keeping your UofL email address/account does not mean that you have access to UofL’s Office365 offerings. Upon leaving the university, use of all UofL owned or enterprise licensed software (installed Microsoft Campus Agreement Office365 products, Adobe, etc.) must cease. For example, CardBox access will no longer be allowed but your account is transferrable to a personal Box account. Adobe accounts should be also migrated to personal accounts. You will retain access to the web versions of the O365 suite associated with your Outlook email account. If you have questions about the use of UofL software, please contact our ITS HelpDesk.

Email transition tips

  • Save all important files onto secure media, cloud storage options or transfer the files to a non-UofL computer.

  • Set or Update Your Password Recovery Information. This will allow you to change your password if you forget it in the future.

  • Access to ULink might not be possible depending on your status. It is best to set up or change your email forwarding service, update your personal information and request transcripts prior to leaving.

  • If you choose not to use UofL's email forwarding service, please inform your friends and business associates of your personal email address.

  • Retiring employees who remain as enrolled students will retain their Office365 accounts/access and should not set up the forwarding service.

  • Information Technology Services has an opt-in online directory for those who select the forwarding email service. If you opt in to the directory, your name will be added to an online directory of UofL retirees.

Want to keep receiving UofL Today? This option only applies to retirees who choose to set up forwarding service. Retirees who choose to keep utilizing their UofL email do not need to subscribe to this service.

To keep receiving UofL Today after your retirement, subscribe to the ULT_RETIRESS listserv. Click the following link to go to the online subscription page. Enter your name and email address, then scroll to the bottom and click Join ULT_RETIREES. You will receive a notice in your email inbox asking you to click a link to confirm your subscription.

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