Student Email For Life

Student Email For Life

Once graduated, as a UofL alum, you are eligible to set up permanent email forwarding. Emails sent to firstname.lastname@louisville.edu or userID@louisville.edu will be forwarded to the personal account of your choosing. 


  1. Log in to the UofL Identity Management System

  2. Click “My Profile”.

  3. On the right side of the screen, look for the “Email for Life” field. Click the drop-down menu, and select “Yes”.

  4. In the “Mail Forward” field, enter the email address you want your emails forwarded to.

  5. Re-type your forward email address in the “Confirm Mail Forward” field.

  6. Click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.

All alumni who graduated in 1982 or after already have a ULINK ID (these never expire). We do not offer Email for Life for people who graduated from the university prior to 1982. If you do not remember your ID or password, please contact the UofL Information Technology help desk at (502) 852-7997, or visit the Help Desk Website. Identify yourself as an alumni who would like help with setting up email forwarding. When logging an incident ticket, include your full name at the time of graduation, date of birth, and your preferred UofL email name (for example, jane.doe@louisville.edu). This information will minimize delays in setting up your forwarding service.


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