Can I recall and resend an Exchange email?

Can I recall and resend an Exchange email?

Yes. However, a recall attempt may or may not be successful for all recipients, based on the recipient's email settings and if they have already read the message. To recall and resend your message, follow these steps:

  1. Click Sent Items.
  2. Double-click the email you want to recall.
  3. Click the Actions drop-down button at the top of the window. (Located to the right of the Move button.)
  4. Click Recall This Message.
  5. Click the button beside either "Delete unread copies of this message" (if you don't want to resend) or “Delete unread copies and replace with a new message” (if you do want to resend). Note: Make sure the box next to “Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient” is checked.
  6. Click OK. You will receive a recall success or failure notice for each recipient.
  7. If you chose “Delete unread copies and replace with a new message,” you will now be able to make changes to your original email and resend it.

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