HelpDesk Reset Your Password ***CANNED***

I have reset your password to a temporary one of


where the Xs are your student or employee id #. If you do not know your ID#, you can go to

You will need your Social Security Number and birthdate to retrieve it.

Then go to

Follow the instructions to change it to a long-term (6 months) password of your choosing. The new password will need to be

  • at least eight characters long but no more than 12,
  • must include at least one lower case letter
  • one UPPER case letter
  • one number
  • and one special character, such as a $, *, # or other non alpha numeric character
    Put the special character somewhere in the middle of the password: not at the end or the beginning
  • The password cannot contain:
    • uofl
    • louisville
    • cards
    • cardinals
    • L1C4
    • password
    • any part of your name (first or last or middle)
    • your userid
    • 2015
    • 2016
    • 2017
    • 2018
    • 2019
    • 2020
    • summer
    • winter
    • fall
    • spring
    • baseball
    • basketball
    • football
    • soccer
    • tennis

You will also need to set up your challenge questions, so that when you forget your password (and you will) you can answer those questions and not have to wait for us.

Those answers (to the challenge questions) must

  • be between 5 and 10 characters

  • one word answers

  • lower case

  • 3 different answers