Restricted Email Attachment File Extensions

The following file extensions are not permitted to be sent via email at the University of Louisville. If these file types/extensions are sent to or from the University of Louisville email system, they will not be delivered.
ade adp app ani asa ashx asmx asp bas bat cdx cer chm class cmd cnt com config cpl crt csh der dll exe fxp gadget hlp lpg ht hta htr htw ida idc idq inf ins isp its job js jse ksh lnk mad maf mag mam maq mar mas mat mau mav maw mda mdb mde mdt mdw mdz msc msh msh1 msh2 mshxml msh1xml msh2xml msi msp mst ops osd pcd pif plg prf prg printer pst reg rem scf scr sct shb shs shtm shtml soap stm ps1 ps1xml ps2 ps2xml psc1 psc2 tmp url vb vbe vbp vbs vsmacros vsw ws wsc wsf wsh xnk 
Also compressed (zipped) .exe files will not be delivered, these are blocked as well.